Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mouse Follower

A flash animation with three characters that follow the mouse
-The walking lady slowly follows the mouse along the ground. Once she is in the same place, she looks up, however, if the mouse moves, it takes her a little while to figure out what happened. The likelihood of her realizing that the mouse has moved increases with each frame that she spends confused.

-The dog is excited about getting to the mouse. The further away he is, the faster he'll move. Once he gets there he sits down, but jumps up occasionally.

-The bird flies toward the mouse in the air and rotates to face the mouse. He's the only one that work on both the x and y plane.


  1. This looks hilarious, and is a great first start. I'd like to see two additions made to this version.

    1) Use the onEnterFrame = function(){ //code} to continually receive the mouse x and y position and react to it.

    2) Use the xScale and yScale to have the owl shrink and grow. Meanwhile its x position should adjust at n value from the mouse x. Something along these lines so it appears to be circling the mouse.

  2. Great.

    The first part was easy. The second part is taking some thought.

    I was home because my sister was in from LA for the past few days, but Ill be playing around with it more today.
