Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Madlib Karaoke

The current version of madlib karaoke uses a series of different files to enable the madlibs to occur.

  1. karaTimer.fla - this file is the master file, provides the menu, and then loads the appropriate lyrics and such
  2. - this contains all necessary lyrics and timepoints
  3. *.swf - these are the flash files which play in the background during the song currently they are just launched to play
  4. *.mp3 these files are the songs which play in conjunction with the visuals and lyrics
ANDY - Open up the various files and take a look around. See if you have any questions regarding how everything is currently running. Things can definitely be made more efficient in terms of how the arrays and data is being handled. However for now, once you have finished getting a handle of what is going on in the code, try to substitute one of the animations with the one that you created with the mousetracker.

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